Built in 1905, the Coplin Hardware building is located at 116 South Broad Street. It is described as a Georgian Revival building. It is two-story and brick. The ground floor has been altered to add glass display windows and a projecting corbelled cornice. The second floor features four windows topped by flat arches with flared ends and pronounced keystones, with a belt course with dentils below the windows. The windows along side of building topped by brick segmental receiving arches.

The building was built to house Coplin Hardware, and this business was that location from 1905 to the late 1970s. Ann’s Gift Shop opened in the mid 1980s in the the Hollis Dry Goods and later Bill’s Shoes space beside the Ritz Theater, the location owned by her father Bill Sumner. Ann and Christine opened a gift shop in this space when Bill’s Shoes closed. When Jim Pitt closed his gift shop on Willow Street and left no place for new brides to pick china patterns and set up gift registries, Ann expanded her focus and space, and moved her business to the Coplin Hardware building where it was still called Ann’s. This business flourished until the mid 2000s, when clothing stores opened in this location, the most recent of which is the current business, Good 2 Shoes.

Current view: Goody 2 Shoes

1952 Coplin Hardware ad

Early 1960s

Late 1960s Coplin Hardware during First Monday