From close perusal of the phone books, you can see that once there were addresses between the Armstrong Building and the Old Hickory Annex. David Bradford remember a frame building that was there in the late 1950s and torn down by 1965. The 1956 phone book shows this location as Carl Johnson’s Used Car business. The 1961 phone book indicates that three businesses were located here:
- Orkin Pest Control at 112
- Farm Bureau at 112
- Moon Light Cafe
In the 1956 phone book, there is no data for this address in the yellow pages, probably because this is a residence. But in 1960, the Moonlight Cafe is listed in this location. This address is also the residence of Paul Arnold and his renter, V. H. Heal (Bertha who runs the restaurant is a Heal). In 1961 this address lists only the Moon Light Cafe. In 1965 through 1967, it is the Moonlight Cafe and the address of Mrs. Bertha Heal, who is a renter. By 1970, this space is Still the Moon Light Cafe but the rental space is vacant. The Moonlight/Moon Light Cafe can be verified in this space through at least 1975. This building must have been torn down in 1976 because it was not there my first time in Scottsboro (November 1976).
Dolberry TV Sales and Service was found in this space first in the 1965 city directory. It was there through the 1970 city directory. In 1972, this space became home to Dolberry Fence and Insulation. In 1975, it was home to Chandler’s Mens Wear.
1957 aerial view showing Bertha’s Moon Light Cafe
This aerial photo taken in 1957 shows this white frame building between Armstrong Cleaners and the Lad’n Lassie. Notice the stock pens behind the Locker Plant.

Okrin ad from 1961 phone book
Notice in the Orkin ad below that the location is an address that no longer exists on East Peachtree Street.

Late 1960s: First Monday photo showing the Moon Light Cafe
This First Monday photo from the late 1960s show the Old History Smoke House on the left and the Moon Light Cafe on the right.

1968: Dolberry’s TV Sales and Service from the yearbook